History of film Noir
This name film noir, which means black film In French and, was created by French critic Ninor Frank in 1946. The noir films occurred in America after the second world war. Immediately following world war, movie audiences responded to this fresh vivid adult orientated type of film. This could possible be because of what they had seen in the war had changed their tastes and given them a new outlook on the world. But it was not just the audiences that loved this new type of film many directors, cameraman, actors were eager to bring more mature viewer towards Hollywood. Film Noir was made during the forties and fifties Noir filmmakers used shadowy black and white cinematography and inventive camera angles to make the films look darker and more realistic. Most Noir films have deeper darker meaning behind every film. For example: crime, lust, betrayal, and the darkness in the human heart.  The noir style compacts many different types of films together: there are of course murder-mysteries and heist movies, but film noir also focused on social problem movies, women’s pictures and even science fiction. Fim noir film.


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