Production Diary

Production diary
Monday 11th November – I went out to try and get some establishing shots that I could use to create a poetic mode for the start of my documentary however after the school day it was to dark for me to get any good shots of the school grounds. So because of this I just took a long angled photographs of the flood lights as I thought this would add some dark and foreboding atmosphere.

Tuesday 12th November – Today I started to interview a few people on their opinions on the question I am basing my documentary on “is rugby to dangerous to be played in schools” I interviewed to students in m y room Connor and lynx Numaey I choice these two as they both play a high level of rugby an both have very strong opinions.

Wednesday 13th November – Today I went down to the first team pitch during games to get some action shots of people doing rugby training and playing games. I purposely focused the camera on drills that focused on tackling so as to show the rough contact area of rugby. I then went down to Parrys and stood on the hill and film all the different age groups that are playing rugby so as to show the audience just how many people play rugby in schools.

Thursday 14th of November – this day it was raining really badly so could not do much filming outside so instead I went to the fitness gym to get some shots of were the rugby player go down to train.

Friday 15th November – Today I researched different specific case studies that I could implement into my documentary to back up certain points that I want to put across and also to help show to points of view, for example people that have done really well through school rugby and those who have been left with life changing injuries. I all reached statistics and facts so I look well informed in the documentary and also so that the audience has all the information to make up their own mind.

Saturday 16th November – Because I went home on Saturday I used this opportunities to interview my dad as he played rugby when he was at school and it would be interesting to hear what an older persons opinion would be. He was also a good person to interview as he was a PE teacher for 20 years and couch the Shropshire county team.

Sunday 17th November – today I went down to my local rugby club to film people playing and train so as I can get a different location than school. I also did it so as I can compare the dangers between club and school rugby.


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