preliminary feedback

I have received some professional feedback on my preliminary task from other year 13 media students in the class and by my teacher. the majority of the feedback was positive. i was told that my poetic mode was very effective and it invoked a lot of emotion especially when it was paired with the facts about how many rugby injuries facts. i was also told that i had a good chose of music as it fitted the genre and the mood of the documentary very well. i was also told that my documentary had some very good footage of rugby injuries that i had film and also archive footage from the past, the contrast worked very well, another comment i got said that my documentary was very well informed showing that i knew what i was talking about.

I did receive some constructive criticism as well saying that my volume levels were very up and down through the documentary that made it seem a bit unprofessional. To fix this i will simply make sure that the volumes on ll of my footage are set to the same volume when i am editing it. I was also told that when i am doing the vice of my voice is quite quite and could not be herd very easily over the music. so to fix this problem i am going to use a microphone to record the voice over instead of relining on the built in camera microphone. i could also lower the volume of the music when i am speaking to ensure i can be clearly heard. Another comment i revived said that i had a bit o much text as there was a lot to read in a short space of time. to fix this i would keep the text on the scree for long but i would also cut down on the amount of text and only focus on the necessary information i will also split the text up so it appears at different times so the audience has a chance to take in the information.


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