Production diary

Production diary

Before we started to film we had to make a decision about what camera we were to use and how we were going to record sound. We were unable to borrow a school camera so we had to bring in a camera. I first brought in my camera a Nikon D3400. The problem with this that we didn't notice before hand is that it doesn't have an external mic input, meaning we couldn't film any scenes with dialogue in. This set our filming process back a week. The next week we brought a camera in that was sure to have an external mic input meaning we could start filming.
Monday 28th January: The day that production began. We began filming an our ideal area but we later found out when we were looking back at our footage that the area didn’t have enough light and was too dark. 
Due to this drawback we had to spent the next 5-10 minutes finding a new suitable area that was well lit enough to film. We decided this because it was a nice well lit area that suits the genre well.

Once we found a suitable location we started to film. We got through the first couple scenes then the camera ran out of battery so we had to call it a day after only filming a couple scenes.

Main drawbacks: The first location being too dark and the camera running out of battery before we got the required scenes.
Main advantages: We chose a new location and got a couple of scenes shot.

Wednesday 6th February: We continued filming this day but we didn't have long to film as one of the actors that we had chosen had prior commitments he had to go too. We only managed to take a couple more shots but we took each shot we filmed in multiple angles and from different types of camera shots so when we are editing it we can choose what one fits the conventions best and which one suits the film we are making best.

Main drawbacks: We only had a short amount of time to film.
Main benefits: We shot the same scene multiple times so that we could choose which one is the best fit for our film while editing. 


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